
Friday 24 June 2011

Seed Planting Event from June 20th - 21st

60 pots filled with gravel, fertilizer, seeds from various plants, and special, handwritten messages were sold in just 2 days! Each pot cost RM 3 , inclusive of the above items. What a steal! The event was held on the Monday June 20 at 9.00 AM, and it ended on the following day! Thanks to all the students who bought the seeds and wrote 'thoughtful' messages. You really are GREEN WARRIORS !

Thanks for supporting us and Mother Nature. And remember, if you have any suggestions on improving the campus, please do tell us. We will try our best to help. XD

The Flash Mob and Astro MV Pictures!!!

                                               Members of Group 1!

                                           President so anxious to dance!

                                                 The Poses!

                                                The Poses! Part 2

                                                Viva La Vida!

                                          VP happily giving out orders!

                                                 The Astro crew

Here are the pictures as promised. Have fun!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Flash mob and Music Video on Astro!!!

Today, something amazing happened. The students who participated in the flash mob organized by our very own Sunway University Student Council , in conjunction with the 'I (Heart) Earth' month in June, got into national television! Yes, it's true! We are all on Astro! Most likely,they will show it during Merdeka. This is to be confirmed. And back to the flash mob! The 'mob' was participated by around 30 to 40 students. The moves were choreographed by none other than our Vice President, Keilly Lim, and Heng Joee,a talented student currently pursuing a degree in accounting and finance. The flash mob took place at 12.35PM at the energy hub of the Sunway Cafeteria , while the MV was shot outside the Rooftop Theatre around 12.48PM

While everyone was eating, a group of students suddenly stood up , walked to the energy hub, and began dancing to Viva La Vida , by Coldplay, and Wake Up America, by Miley Cyrus. It was a 2-and-a-half minute routine that , in the end, received applause from the crowd.  Let's not forget that the main idea for the flash mob was to raise awareness on the ongoing campaign , which is the 'I ( Heart) Earth ' month. Finally, to all those that helped, participated, support, or at least, clapped to the 'Mob' , We Thank You from the bottom of our hearts and ask that you continue to support us time and time again as we represent you and we listen to you. :) 

( Due to some technical difficulties with Blogspot, the pictures could not be uploaded now, but they will be uploaded soon, that's a promise XD)

Tuesday 7 June 2011

'I [Heart] Earth' Campaign! Breathing new life into your old junk!

   You may be wondering how does that happen? Well, its simple. When you throw any recyclable rubbish into a non-recycling rubbish bin, the rubbish would just be packed up in a big and black plastic bag( I'm sure you have seen it) which would then be collected and dumped into a big rubbish dump. When more and more rubbish is collected in this way, the size of the rubbish dump increases until there isn't enough space left to collect anymore. When this happens, where would our extra rubbish be thrown to? Would we actually run out of space to collect them? Would the already collected trash affect the environment of Malaysia?

One word can be used to prevent these questions from turning into a scary reality. Recycle. When you recycle, the trash that you throw would be reused to form a new item. That is 'cool' way to help the environment. In what better way could you use the idiom "One man's trash is another man's treasure". In other perspectives, you are simply giving a new 'life' to the trash that you no longer need. So, what are you waiting for! Hurry and grab all the trash you can and bring it here!

We , the Student Council will collect the rubbish every Monday until the end of June. You would really help the world by recycling. All you need to do is throw it in the recycling bin. The world needs everyone to play their part. So, be inspired to help ! Because 'Inspiration is what gets you started.Habit is what keeps you going' .